August 11, 2007

nine years


Marriage does not solve all problems
But it softens the edges,
It does not help you get a good job
But it comforts when you come home bone tired,
It does not pay the bills
But it makes you sit and talk and plan a life together,
Marriage whispers
And calms
And reassures that you are not alone,
Marriage makes you laugh
When you are goofy and having fun with your closest friend,
There are times you would like to go on a sabbatical
But your commitment is strong and true and not to be violated,
It is never taking someone for granted
But thanking your partner for small thoughtful gestures.
It is noticing who really sits across the table from you
And understanding and loving.
E and J,
Remember the person you marry
The one you choose above all others.
Marriage does not solve all problems
But the edges are softer
And that is enough.

Love Laurie Barnoski

I came across this poem my beloved high school English teacher gave me as a wedding present. J and I will have been married for nine years on the 14th. We dated for five years before tying the knot. It's crazy to think about. Fourteen years, three kids, several jobs, two houses, cancer, lots of laughs and lots of tears, many cars and tons of clothes later, we're still here. We decided on a whim to get out of town this week. We are loading up the kids and heading out for a sanity saving, mini-vacation tomorrow. We are hitting up Leavenworth for a last summer hooraw. I'm excited!

I've been in a crazy organizing mode lately, trying to declutter and reorg my house. I have been skipping playdates and forgoing picnics to get my house and life in order. I feel like I have the month of August to accomplish my goal before school and work starts this fall.

The boys took the dog down to my parents' house this morning and to meet up with J's uncle, whose last visit was nine years ago) so I have been alone in the house with a napping baby and a sleeping four year old. Bliss! I went through my closet and pulled a pile of clothes out about as big as I am tall. I feel like I've accomplished something - a daunting task that has been looming over me. I decided to hang this poem from Mrs. Barnoski in my newly cleaned closet so I can see it everyday and remember why I married the person I share my life with.

I have been washing/drying/folding clothes like a mad housewife today. I love the delicious smell of the dryer drying clothes. I open windows and even go as far as turn the fan on in wonder boy's bedroom so the whole house fills up with the good smell goodness. Yum!

Last night we dropped Miss O and Wonder Boy off at Miss O's preschool for a mom and dad's night out. The kids play, get dirty, eat dinner and play some more while the parents get four hours off. We took the baby and went out to dinner. Baby love thrives with this special alone time and the kids have a blast with Teacher Suzie. After dinner we had two and half hours before we had to pick up the kids so we hit up the outlet mall. We ended up doing boring stuff like buying new school shoes for the big kids, but it was fun to do it together. The kids crashed almost as soon as we got home - it was great!!

Off to pack . . . . . happy weekend!

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