May 29, 2010

baby advice 101

The girls were rummaging through a closet this morning and while digging out old Halloween costumes, they dumped out a bag of cards from when I was pregnant with El Fuego. My work mates had hosted a baby shower in which they presented me with "Baby Advice". Each co-worker wrote their best advice for becoming a new mother. It was interesting to compare what was most important to each person. It was also evident which people were new to parenthood themselves and which people were very much removed from that chapter of their lives. With my favorite "YODA" loving family recently welcoming their third baby boy into the world, it inspired me to write the advice that was given to me almost nine years ago. Ready? Here goes:

Enjoy and record every new milestone. Take lots of pictures and write where and when.

Hold your little one as much as you want and never worry about "spoiling" him! Talk to him every minute he is awake!

1.Take as many naps during the beginning - don't worry about showering!
2.Point the pee-pee down!
3.Ask about the mini-pill at the 6 week appointment.
4.Go out to eat often the 1st three months.
5.Order out often!
6.Make dad get up at night every other night!

Take time to let your son sleep in your arms so you can feel his warmth, take his baby expressions and hear his little baby sounds. Remember, it takes at least an hour to pack his diaper bag, extra clothes for both of you, and get him in his car seat! You'll be a wonderful mother.

Love your boy unconditionally and teach him to be accountable.

1.Always bring at least 2 extra sets of baby clothes in case of explosive diarrhea!
2.Pamper yourself when he is asleep, you rest, too

Have fun! Keep your sense of humor! Enjoy the moment!

Take all the advice you get with a grain of salt. There are few hard rules or constants when raising a child.

Enjoy the whole experience: the good times out weigh all the bad.

Your husband is lucky to have you. Remind him often!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Cute! It's always good to have some sound advice when you're a new mom. You can often feel overwhelmed or like you are failing and it's comforting to know that even the 'best of them' have felt that too. It's normal and OK and that moment/feeling will pass.