March 9, 2009

today, I wish

Today, I wish laundry would fold itself. I wish winter would go into hibernation. I wish I could make money doing something fabulous and creative while maintaining my stay-at-home status. I wish my hair didn't always look horrible. I wish things were easier. I wish my husband was happier. I wish I could make a spa appointment. I wish for a new laptop and fancy digital camera. I wish the ice maker didn't break two days after we got it repaired. I wish I wasn't always tired. I wish my brand new three year old was potty trained. I wish the dogs didn't track in paw prints when let inside. I wish our house would sell. I wish we could find a great house to buy. I wish I was a better speller and user of a bigger vocabulary. I wish I could lose weight. I wish dinners were always healthy and easy to make. I wish the news wasn't always so depressing. Today, I wish...


Carrie said...

I wish I could give you a great big hug!!

Stephanie said...

Apparently you and I are having a very similar week or so....I too am wishing for many, many things and you named a lot of them here. Hang in there my friend! :hugs: