October 10, 2008

feel better kits

In the last couple days I've noticed the Divine Miss O's teacher has not been sounding like she feels well. She is losing her voice and looks tired. I've said it before and I'll say it again: little kids are walking petri dishes!! When you are a teacher and stuck in a room full of 'em, you are bound to get sick often. After dropping Miss O off, Baby Love and I stopped by Bartell Drugs because that, Target and the grocery store are the only stores I get to frequent these days. (I know, I know.....don't be jealous, it's the life a mother of three young children. Some days, just to mix it up, I actually wear jeans and take a shower instead of my usual uniform of black yoga pants, running shoes and baggy sweatshirts. Glamorous isn't it?) Anyhoo....we picked up some simple supplies for "Feel Better Kits" for the teachers in our life.
Have a teach looking run down this start of the flu and cold season? Toss one of these together, share a smile and let them know how much you appreciate their hard work every day.

We added chicken soup, tissue, lemon tea, hand sanitizer and throat lozenges to a paper lunch sack. Simple and sweet! Miss O would say it was "easy, peazie!"

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