About two hours before I took this little video of Baby Love, she had fallen outside on the deck. She had a bit of blood in her mouth, but we wiped it up and washed her hands and she was raring to go right back outside. She LOVES to be outside, as most toddlers do. After watching her have fun in the sandbox, I realized her lip was pretty swollen and upon further inspection, her front tooth was slightly wiggly. I started researching online and kept coming up with all sort of scary things like baby root canals and dead teeth. My friend called right after I discovered it and she suggested I call the emergency pediatric dentist phone number. Which I did. The very sweet gal on the other end, calmed my nerves. We set up an appointment for Baby Love's first visit to the dentist. Tomorrow. The swelling has gone down and she's been on a soft diet since Saturday. Last night when I brushing her teeth, things looked okay, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed all will be fine.
April 26, 2008
unaccompanied camera fun
Miss O discovered my unattended camera sitting on my desk and decided her kitty needed her picture taken. . . . . .
April 23, 2008
ring the bell
April 21, 2008
knock, knock
Juno who?
Juno who!!!
Juno it's me so stop asking!
I finally saw Juno last night. A few of us gals gathered in front of the tv in AD's living room and watched together. I was surprised at how funny it was. The dry sarcastic humor is totally my style and I giggled through the movie. It was a light hearted take on a teen pregnancy with a happy ending.
Other movies I recently watched in my living room:
1. The Painted Veil: somewhat slow but I couldn't take my eyes off it.
2. Sweeny Todd: not what I expected, but love Johnny Depp in just about everything.
3. I am Legend: again, totally not what I expected, it was okay.
4. Beowulf: blah, pass!
5. Alvin and the Chipmunks: the kids loved it.
6. Enchanted: Miss O was in Enchanted heaven.
7. Reign Over Me: yawn . . . .
8. Stardust: might just possibly be my new Princess Bride.
9. Atonement: glad I didn't go to the theater to see it, just okay.
10. The Brave One: predictable
Movies I've seen in the last few months not in my living room:
1. Mrs. Pettigrew Lives for a Day: fast paced cuteness, fun.
2. Horton Hears a Who: didn't live up to my Dr. Seuss expectations but it was cute.
handy hubby
April 19, 2008
April 18, 2008
love your skin
well, every day I take a shower that is.I used the clay mask for the first time this morning. The gray-green colored liquid is a little scary at first but it dries and is great for oily/combination skin. Once rinsed, your skin will feel so soft. I love it!
April 12, 2008
lost tooth . . . . literally
April 11, 2008
for wendy
My friend Wendy, home stager extraordinaire, came over yesterday to give me some tips and advice. Our home is a tri-level and the downstairs is pretty much a waste land for "don't know what do withs" and a semi office for the J-man. I can't tell you how many times I have rearranged furniture and switched out furniture trying to get an arrangement that looked nice. Wendy took one look and voila, the result. It's still a work in progress. Misc. things need to put away and cleaned up. And I think we are going to lose the shelf and I don't think the pictures above the fireplace work. They are too big. But I love it. It really works! Thanks WHW!!
April 10, 2008
murphy's law
April 9, 2008
April 8, 2008
April 6, 2008
i has me some eyebrows
April 4, 2008
wet day and 5 random things
When the sun does peeks out it has an instant affect on me to clean and organize. Wednesday in the midst of sunshine filtering through my dirty windows, I went through a bunch of old college paperwork. I had been hanging onto these old projects because I just didn't know what to do with it. I shredded the things with my name on it and recycled the rest. And I have to say it felt super good! Didn't make a big impact on the state of my house, but it was something I needed to do for a long time. A little weight was lifted.
However, today's drippy, wet, gray weather has me feeling low energy and tired. All I want to do is curl up and sleep. Ho hum! So for fun and without sinking too deep into the doldrums here's five random things about me you may not know. . . . .
- I love the smell of bleach! Washing whites with it because the smell fills up the house is a favorite.
- I hate unloading the dishwasher and folding clothes, although I don't mind filling the dishwasher up and I love doing laundry.
- I'm a bit of a pack rat and I have a hard time throwing things away.
- I love road trips and long drives to no where.
- I love reality TV and facials . . . . not necessarily together but how sweet that would be.