October 3, 2009

the farm

The kids didn't have school yesterday so we took a day trip out to my parents' farm. As usual everyone scattered to their favorite things and had a very busy day. El Fuego spent much of his time in Grandpa's shop building skyscrapers and designing airplanes. And, when he wasn't busy erecting the next best thing, he was helping Grandpa fix the lights on the truck and horse trailer and playing in the hole made for the new bridge being built in one of the fields.

Miss Divine was found with the horses. She brushed and fed the ponies and did a few barn chores like moving the cat, chasing the cat, playing in the hay, and then moving the cat again. She also announced she didn't want to get "dirty" which is a pretty funny statement to make when you are the farm.

Petite Artiste helped Grandpa trim the mini's feet. She used her hoof pick to poke holes and hammer the wheelbarrows. She says is learning how to trim hooves so when she is older she can do what Grandma does. She also enjoyed sitting on the donkeys until the donkeys moved, then she wanted off right away.

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