January 5, 2013

radio silence

It has been a long while since I've updated, huh folks. Much has happened, but not much on an exciting front, mostly just busy family/holiday/kid stuff. Boring to most I'm sure. I've filled my need to overshare via facebook these days. Pictures of comings and goings, dogs in precarious positions, kids being kids paired with one liners. I know some are leery of the gigantic timesuck and I agree, much time can be sucked away. But, I can honestly say, I love it.

I've partly been MIA because of the horrific Sandy Hook shootings. My dear college pal lives in Newtown and was hit close to her heart by the tragic event. Blabbering on about happy nonsense here felt just so unclassy. I came to this spot many times. Logged in, even. Stared at the blank screen. Only to back out and walk away for everything I could ramble on about didn't feel right.

That said, I am responsible for this wee family I share my abode with. My offspring are, for the most part, not mature enough to really grasp and understand the hugeness of December 21st. We talked about what happened and ensured the safety of their own school.  And, then we honored those twenty sweet faces by being positive while focusing on happiness and family.

That Friday was the start of the kids' winter break. We celebrated the holiday with a close encounter of the jolly kind, aka Santa Claus. Being that we live near Seattle, we decided to visit "fancy" Santa at the ever popular Nordstroms for the first time. Ever popular because we stood in line for three hours. (Never again people!) And, being Seattle, which brides itself on celebrating differences and originality, our Santa was also hearing impaired.

Other activities included:

Mr. Hawthorne and I ran the Jingle Bell 5k together. I beat my race time by fourteen minutes. Which was partly due to actually running and not walking.

The Divine Miss O had her expander put in to correct her bite and realign her jaw. I have to turn this little doohickey every day while it slowly moves things around. It gives me the hibbie-jibbies every time I turn the key. Because of this contraption stuck in the roof of her mouth, we get to enjoy the awful sucking noise made on a regular basis. Tis a lovely sound. Not!

We shared a most delish brunch with family while the cousins ran around playing and giggling. My heart is always filled when the cousin kids are together. Brings back memories of camping at the beach, sleep overs, and playing hide-n-go-seek in the woods with mine.

Christmas day was mellow and relaxing and really lazy. Lazy because Mr. Hawthorne and I hit the sack around 2am and the kids woke us up around 6am. We had fun opening gifts and playing with our new toys. The entire day was very peaceful, just the way I like it.

The rest of vacation was spent relaxing, organizing, making Goodwill runs, cleaning, watching movies, partying with friends old and new, cleaning and eating. And, just as quickly as winter break began, it ended. I put the kids back on the bus earlier this week and slipped back into my routine. 2013 has been great so far. I hope yours has too.

1 comment:

Jaimie said...

So glad you had a great holiday, aside from the crap of the world!!
I had an expander to start out with too, I can feel her pain and your hibbie-jibbies too. :o/