We bought this upholstered headboard as a craigslist find for around ten bucks. Because it was on the cheap and we had plans to reupholster it, the guy took his buttons before we took this gem home. Funny! My project laid dormant in storage for roughly a year and half. Then we moved and my nesting bug came out full force.
I lugged this thing out last month and uncovered it's bones. Everything was in great shape as I suspected. I just needed to get the passe denim material off.
About a week ago I spent at least a good hour in the fabric store going over plans in my head and picking out swatches. I decided I wanted a black headboard to match my beloved bedspread and I would add pops of color with throw pillows.
Yesterday, I finally put my plans into action by buying material (on sale I might add) and supplies. Then I got down to business by ripping off the old and putting on the new. I'm quite surprised at just how easy it was. I left the foam that was sprayed glued on because it was in really good shape. The holes for tufting were already drilled. I used the old material as my pattern by laying it down on top of my new material, and then cutting around it. I used a staple gun to attach the suede and some upholstery thread to tie in the buttons. Voila! I am pleased as punch.
Headboard Before.
Now I just have to lug it upstairs and put it in place. I have some master bedroom revamping ideas so stay tuned on this headboard's adventures.
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