June 9, 2011

sweet treats

We have a birthday girl in our midst. Boy oh boy is she ever excited!! Saturday is the big day, roller skating party included. She's been counting down the minutes and everything. It's been a blast to live with. We decided to put some of all that excitement to good use and make an easy peasy birthday treats to take to school tomorrow.

Since cake pops are all the rage right now, we thought it would be fun to whip up a cheap and simple version. They are great to take to school and fun to eat.

First we picked up some donut holes, sprinkles and frosting. After zapping the frosting in the microwave for a few minutes, it was easy to dip the donut holes and cover them. Oh and, we just used coffee stirring sticks that I had on hand.

Voila! sweet birthday treats!!


  1. HI!
    I just checked your blog (I haven't been in awhile because I lost the link when my computer crashed) and I can always count on you for some great ideas. These cake pops are genius! Thank you for the idea.

    P.S. - Your kids are so super adorable....and beyond lucky to have a mama like you. ;)

    Talk soon,
    Meg Pellegrino (Emily Provost's sister)

  2. Awe! Hi Meg! The cake pops are totally ghetto, but actually pretty darn tasty and the kids loved them. :D One day I will get to CO to visit Emily and meet you in person!! How much fun would that be?!?!
